Boakai To Inaugurate Liberian Unipod

The University of Liberia, in partnership with UNDP Liberia, icampus Liberia and orange Liberia will be officially launching the Liberian Unipod space; an innovative space designed to foster technological advancement and entrepreneurial growth.
The launch will be presided over by the President Joseph Boakai, on July 17, 2024, at the University of Liberia Fendell Campus, Riverview Complex.
UNDP Liberia has forged a partnership with the university of Liberia, orange digital center, icampus Liberia and, the university of Liberia which together share the same vision of the Unipod ecosystem, as a unique centralized space that is powered by solar energy through which innovators, entrepreneurs, inventors and technologists can co-create solutions to Liberia’s problems while at the same time expanding access to digital skills in alignment with the government of Liberia pledge to train 10,000 youth in the 1st half of 2024 with digital skills.
The Unipod will have three major spaces: a design lab, a collab space, and a maker space. These spaces are equipped with electronics, textiles, 3d printing machines, digital computers, and workstations to address challenges in engineering, the environment, agriculture, and business.
Liberia is now entering a critical period of its post-conflict history in which social entrepreneurs must have the skills, abilities, tools, and communities they need to leverage change and build the Liberia they want to live in.
The Liberian Unipod is a dedicated space designed for innovators, entrepreneurs, and technologists to collaborate and develop sustainable solutions to some of the challenges faced in Liberia.
The Liberian Unipod fills a crucial gap by providing a space with access to high-speed internet, skills-building sessions, events, and lectures for youth, students, innovators, and entrepreneurs to collaborate and solve critical challenges with limited active, managed spaces in Liberia.
As part of the UNDP’s Timbuktu initiative, which aims to transform public universities across Africa into centers of innovation, the Liberian Unipod is one of 13 Unipods to be established across Africa.
The Liberian Unipod space is set to become a cornerstone of innovation in the region, offering state-of-the-art facilities and resources for startups, researchers, and tech enthusiasts.
The launch event will include an address from the president, a tour of the facility, remarks from industry leaders, and a demonstration of the latest technological equipment housed within the Unipod.

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