Boakai Extols The Kingdom Of Morocco On Its Independence

President Joseph Boakai has sent a message of congratulations to the King of Morocco, His Majesty Mohammed VI, and the people of the Kingdom of Morocco on the occasion commemorating the Independence Anniversary of that country on November 18, 2024.
According to a Foreign Ministry release, President Boakai hoped that the cordial ties of friendship and cooperation subsisting between both countries and peoples will be further strengthened in the spirit of African solidarity as the people of Morocco celebrate this historic celebration.
The Liberian Leader noted that as both leaders work together in furtherance of the principles of the African Union, and the United Nations for the promotion of regional and international peace, security and economic cooperation amongst all nations, it is his fervent prayer that the Almighty Allah will continue to endow His Majesty with abundant wisdom and strength as he leads his people to greater prosperity.

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