Boakai Alarms Over Plastic Pollution

The standard bearer of the Unity Party says plastic pollution in Liberia has reached alarming proportion and stressed the urgent need to declare war on plastic pollution in the country.

Amb. Joseph N. Boakai said there will be dire consequences on the environment if Liberians failed to take action to protect the nation from this menace that has overtaken the environment in the country.
World environment Day is celebrated on June 5 each year to increase appreciation for the environment and develop responsible conduct to preserve and improve it.

He reminded Liberians that the United Nations in 1972 established World Environment Day because of the Stockholm Conference on Human Environment and was first celebrated in 1973.
Fifty years on the former Vice President said, nations and peoples around the world have not fully implemented policies to deal with critical matters affecting the environment especially the issues of factors that lead to global warming.

Developed nations have to a considerable extent reneged on cutting on the emission of gases that are destroying the ozone layer according to the statement.
Liberia with one of the largest rainforests in sub-Saharan is yet to see benefits from the international community that go along with the preservation of these forests that play a key role in stopping global warming.

The day which was celebrated on Monday, the Former Vice President said, he looks forward to realistic actions by the international community to repay Liberia for keeping its side of the bargain by keeping the forests intact.

He urged the Conference of the Parties (COP) on these matters to move from power point presentations to realistic action to save the Global Environment.
He also called for legislation to protect the environment against plastic pollution in Liberia.

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