The consecration and ordination of several church workers within the Pentecostal Assemblies of the world Inc. have taken place over the weekend at the Village of Hope Apostolic Church in Careysburg, Montserrado County.
Those ordained were district elder Nathaniel Flomo, Village of Hope, Evangelist Ellen G. Flomo, Evangelist Mamie Tokpah, Evangelist Richard R. Q. Sunday, Minister David B. Sunday, Evangelist Victoria Kaliou, and Elder Joseph P. Nimely, all of Village of Hope Apostolic Church in Careyburg, Montserrado County.
Also qualified and ordained were Elder Robert W. S. Bullo of Calvary Church of Hope, Marshansue, Salala District lower Bong County; Elder Joseph Morris and Min. Peter S. Pewee, Moses Ade Taiwo all of the Salala District.
District, Elder Harmiton Q. Toe, of the Grand Gedeh District also met the qualification bench mark and was ordained.
Others consecrated as ministers/church workers were, Titus F. Sumo, Prince Michael, Moses Flomo, Sackie kerkulah, Jacob Kollie and Washington Guotoe others are Evangelist Pinkay Mulbah, Minister Emmanuel L. Morris Jr., Joshua J.J. Henries, Julius Berry and Lenuel W. Vaye.
Delivering a special message to the honorees, the Diocesan Bishop of the 35th Episcopal District, Liberian West African Council Pentecostal Assemblies of the world, Inc said God is looking for upright men and women who will speak accurately for him.
He stressed that as they approach the close of time in this millennium, the church is God’s instrument for establishing, multiplying, and building up believers in the faith with a deeper level of spirituality and a greater height of uncompromised service.
Bishop Leo M. Simpson said the need for a usable vessel is a call and as such, it needs an immediate answer for the now generation.
The Liberian clergy noted that the scarcity of the power of God in any generation is not the deficiency of God in that generation, but rather it is the unavailability of the read and usable men.
Bishop Simpson asserted that God is looking for men and women who will meet the pre-requisite qualifications for the kind of men and women he uses.
He emphasized that after more than 14 years of experience heading the PAW, the Lord has allowed him to locate, identify and train some members of the Ministry to be the mouth-piece of God.
Exhorting the congregation on the theme, “Wait for Your Time, Bishop Simpson said promotion comes from God, and that God will not pass over you once you have the right spirit in doing the work and will of God.”
He said those that often leave or abandon ministry for what they may see as delay or not being recognized for promotion were not working with a humble heart spirit, refusing to wait on God’s time, but their time.
The P.A.W. leader said promotion from church workers do not come by tribal affiliation, favor, or friendship but by good works and deeds.
Bishop Simpson questioned, how you will get promoted if God has call or qualify you, but must always wait on God’s time.
Also speaking to the qualified candidates following their ordination Rev. Jomah Woiwor of the Kingdom Harvest Ministry challenged the honorees in order to be effectives to run their respective positions should learn to always pray, read, and find quality time in the present of God for this will prepare them not to give them what he referred to as cool rice sermon when they gather to listen on Sundays and other week days be lamented.
During the occasion, the Acting Pastor of Miracle, praise & worship center in J.J.Y community Gardnersville Pastor Martin Mulbah, president of the Young People’s department (NPYPU) of the PAW nationwide was elevated as the first youngest district elder during the occasion.
According to the Pentecostal Assemblies of World Diocesan Head, the ordination and consecration of the honorees takes immediate effect by the PAW by Diocesan Bishop giving them all powers and privileges’ to work within the respective call to ministry.
Bishop Simpson declared to the honorees that they were now fit to go all out to every nation, tribe to carryout God business which is the promotion of God’s words without fear or favor.