The New Life Community was a scene of jubilation over the weekend amongst residents of various communities while expressing their excitement for a newly constructed a 1,600 feet long wooden footpath bridge estimated cost of US$10,000 in their area.
Speaking to the elated residents of those communities, Bishop Nimely Jacbokly Donyen said besides the significance of connecting Kpawein and New Life communities, the bridge will also bring about lasting spiritual union between those communities and himself.
The Bishop of the Independent Catholic Church of Liberia (ICCL) who was escorted during the ground breaking ceremony by all the categories of residents to the sound of a marching band stated that the bridge signifies the beginning of more good works that he is going to do in the community.
The clergy encouraged all the local leaders and residents to continue working along with him saying that when they do that as the wooden bridge depreciates, they will not use planks any longer to do repair rather it would be replaced with a solid concrete bridge.
Bishop Donyen also promised the people that they will be embarking on vehicles in their communities in order to go to other parts of the district including Montserrado County and beyond but stressed the need for them to work in unison.
The prominent citizen of District 2 indicated that he has heard the request of other communities for similar projects adding that he understands their plight but said, he will give their request to God because He is the one who provides the funds for projects implementation.
“Every community in the district also needs development projects so I have been doing projects in every section of those communities. Few months ago, I dedicated the Mount Barclay Community Market Building and recently I dedicated an annex to the Kpelleh Town Junction Market on December 11, 2021,” he recounted.
Responding to Bishop Donyen’s goodwill gesture, the Chairperson of Kpawein Community, Sando James said they are overjoyed for the project terming as an indelible mark in the history of his community, New Life, Bassa Town, as well as Chicken Soup Factory in District # 12 in Montserrado County and other communities in District 2′
According to him, Bishop Donyen is the highest contributor as it relates to developmental initiatives in the district thereby recommending a gowning ceremony in his honor so as to show gratitude for the good work that he has been doing.
“The issue of reliable bridge for our communities has been a nightmare for us over the years. In 2016, while carrying a corpse for burial, at the time we reached the middle of an old wooden bridge, it collapsed and everyone fell into the deep muddy water with the dead body,” he noted.
Mr. James then recalled that during raining season, they usually put their kids’ uniforms in plastic bags and carried them on their shoulders across the swamp before getting them ready for school pointing out that Bishop Donyen has solved the humiliating situation that they have been faced with for several years.
Kerkula Kollie who was very emphatic assured Bishop Donyen that he will work with him during the forthcoming 2023 Election activities indicating that he will no longer vote on party line.
For his part, the Chairperson of the New Life Community, Kaifa Ballah, lauded Bishop Donyen for the construction of what he called a strategic bridge that has created free passage for the people at all times of the year.
He narrated that they experienced horrible situations but some of them survived by the grace of God while others met their untimely death noting that he used to cross the swamp during the night hours after his classes at which time he will cite the 23rd Psalm and removed his clothes and then jumped into the swampy water where snakes, crocodiles and other harmful creatures dwell.
Also the Chairlady of the Kpawein Community, Oretha Jarh alias Mary Broh showered praises to God for using Bishop Donyen to implement the project asserting that God always uses a devout Christian to do His work on earth while the Chairlady of Block D described Bishop Donyen as a man of his words who does exactly what he will promise.
She then appealed for a bridge for Block D because she averred that that community can also be impassable during every raining season.