Bishop Donyen Clears Garbage From Community Markets

As the issue of garbage disposal continues to pose serious problem to the lives of people especially marketers relative to health and sanitation in the country, the Bishop of the Independent Catholic Church of Liberia (ICCL), Bishop Nimely Jarbokly Donyen has again removed huge garbage from various market sites.
The Nickley Town, Johnsonville Central, Kpelleh Town Junction Markets are the latest markets in Lower Johnsonville whose surroundings were thoroughly cleaned over the weekend by Bishop Donyen and partner, Compassion for Life United States of America USA as the environment has now become conducive for business transactions and dwelling place for community residents.
Speaking to reporters after the exercise, Bishop Donyen lauded Compassion for Life for what he referred to as its huge commitment to providing services that have direct impact on the lives of the people of Liberia saying that the dilapidated condition of those markets undoubtedly posed direct health hazard.
According to him, they are willing to render many services to the people who he indicated are underprivileged so as to improve their lives, adding that people continue to prevent those essential services from reaching the targeted groups.
“The Representative of District Two, Montserrado County, retired Colonel Jimmy Smith told his constituents in his district that unless he approves of the water that I paid for, the water will not be provided for the people, no matter whatsoever I do,” he disclosed.
He further stated that the Managing Director of the Liberia Water & Sewer Corporation (LWSC), Duannah Kamara also vowed that his entity will not provide water to the community unless the amount of US$12,000 (twelve thousands) that he (Bishop Donyen) paid to LWSC during the erstwhile regime is also paid to his administration before the service can be provided.
He then described the act on the part of those government officials whose duties are to provide social services and protect the interest of the people but that they have decided to put the district in bondage and as such, he assured them that by 2024, God will deliver the district, stating that everything that was in the dark has come to light through sustained prayers.
The ICCL Clergyman added that they will continue with the micro loan as plans are underway to increase the loan, commending God for the provision of needed funds that have enabled them help the needy people.
Responding to the gesture, Mrs. Roseline Ngakpa, Superintendent of the Kpelleh Town Junction Market expressed delight that the Bishop and partners have removed the huge pile of garbage from their market terming it as a total relief when it comes to health.
She disclosed that the garbage which swallowed their market surrounding was accumulated for six years pointing out that the garbage did not come from marketers alone but that the community people also dump garbage.
“There were decayed corpses in the garbage when the people were removing it. Because of poverty some people bury their dead relatives in the garbage under the cover of darkness. We thank God that the pungent odor from the dirt is now gone and we can now feel the fresh aromatic air,” she asserted.
According to her, they are elated for the many gestures that the Bishop and his partners continue to provide for them naming some as micro loans, Ebola, Coronavirus preventative materials, food among other services.
“We are kindly appealing to the Bishop to help extend our market because many of our colleagues do not have spaces to sell,” she pleaded.
Mother Garmar Lavela, former Superintendent, Nickley Town Market and Mother Garmen Kollie, Advisor/ Chaplain of the Central Johnsonville Market Commonly called ‘UP Town Market’ in lower Johnsonville, District # 2 Montserrado County showered praises for everything that the partnership has been doing for them which they say are uncountable.

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