Bethel Ministries Int’l
Confab Kicks Off Monday

The leadership of the Bethel Full Gospel Ministries has released its calendar of events for this year’s international conference to take place in Liberia.
According to the conference committee, the event will officially kick off on Monday, March 21, with a revival starting at 5PM at the Bethel Christian Miracle Church in Caldwell.
On Tuesday, March 22, the conference will entertain a teaching session led by the Presiding Apostle, Natt J. Friday starting at 10AM to be followed by a revival starting at 5PM.
The conference continues on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday with more revivals at the Bethel Christian Miracle Church.
On Saturday, March 26, Bethelites will parade through the principal streets of Monrovia in a show of unity and renewal of faith.
While during the evening hours, a dinner to be hosted by the church in honor of Apostle Friday and the conference will be climaxed on Sunday March 27 with a Thanksgiving Service followed by the ordination and licensing of Bethel Full Gospel ministers.
The officiating clergy for the Bethel week-long international conference include Presiding Apostle Friday; Bethel’s Acting National Representative, Rev. James P. Porkpah; the Head of Bethel South Africa, Rev. Patrick N. Wleh and the Senior Pastor of Bethel Pipeline, Rev. John Man Marley, among others.

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