BBL Gary Goes To Prison On Alleged Sexual Assault

By Grace Q. Bryant
Gary N. Noring alias ‘Gary The Blogger,’ will be spending his first night at the Monrovia Central Prison while awaiting court prosecution.
The Monrovia City Court sent Gary, a housemate in the Big Barbie Liberia (BBL) reality show, to prison on complaint of allegedly assaulting a female housemate sexually at their Mamba Point hostel.
According to the victim, she said while having a conversation the victim felt asleep and felt something hard trying to penetrate her vagina and immediately when she woke up, defendants Gary N. Noring jumped up pretending to asleep as well.
The victim accused the defendant of reacting like someone caught in the act but saw her pants down and the defendant pant was also down. She added that she wore her pant and sat on the bed awhile and later informed the Big Brabee officials.
The investigation revealed that the victim, 19 years old had complained the defendant Gary, 21 years old, about having inappropriate sexual contacts with her on three separate occasions.
It furthered that the defendant went for a comforter and covered the both of them and that defendant Gary knowingly had sexual contact with the victim by rubbing her body parts with his hand and putting his leg over her as seen in the video, being fully aware that his contact was offensive to her.
The investigators then charged suspect Gary for the commission of the crime of Sexual Assault which is in violation of Section 14.77 of the new Penal Law of Liberia.

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