A Cause For Concern Amid Rampaging Toddler, Teens In Street Trade…

By: Ekena Nyankun Juahgbe-Droh Wesley

As though it has not caught the attention of Liberia’s ruling party’s zealots who would often and carelessly beat their chests that Liberia is better off than it was. Perhaps the only group of Liberians in the world who see nothing wrong with the prevailing cun unacceptable conditions at home are enablers of the regime especially its die-hard addicts. Poverty is starring Liberians in their faces. Jobs are hard to come by. The very few who try to fend for their families aren’t sure when the next payday will be.

Amid the harsh realities of day-to-day life, corruption shamelessly continues unabated. The public treasury is the new source of abuse and waste by professed leaders of the masses. Where are the folks who made headlines for carrying caskets on their heads supposedly because a bunch of so-called ‘corrupt UP-led government’ was engaged in misdeeds? What has gone amiss with the retinue of difficulties and frustrations they aggressively heralded? Amid the locus shift in power, those frustrating moments might have gone away though. Shame!

If anyone had anticipated a magical formula, it would have been the biggest joke. The ruling jokers inability to lead a sound opposition other than attention-grabbing demonstrations and protests – hopes of a renaissance towards a wholesome and burgeoning socioeconomic revival were just a matter of fallacy. In spite of the hardships starring those at the end of the ladder in their faces, there are those within their ranks who strongly believe Liberia is getting or for a better expression ‘doing better’ under football legend – George Manneh Weah. Absolute nonsense!

When a poorly planned and woefully executed Invincible Sports Park was built in a crowded Sinkor District, Weah’s handlers pontificated that the best was yet to come. What manner of Sports Park would place food on the tables of Liberians? What sort of economic benefit are Liberians deriving from a Sports Park? How has a Sports Park helped to improve the quality of education and healthcare in the small West African nation? Are all Liberians expected to descend on Monrovia for sight-seeing a single Sports Park?

While the social exploit of street kids engaging in roadside trade must have been perennial as far as Liberia is concerned, the current establishment’s utter neglect amid a decadent governance strata, has ignited its worsened social disorder. The number of toddlers and teens engaging in street-trading has astronomically eclipsed to say the least. Agreed it happened Ellen’s time let alone all previous administrations combined; but Weah’s push for the presidency has been about changing the trajectory. We cannot look at these daily harsh realities and turn a blind eye simply because we don’t want to stand for or speak the truth. Mind you, when militants of the now ruling class were forced onto the streets to hold protests, these conditions, among other looming challenges informed their agitations.

The toddlers and teens along our various street corners should be in school. That is where they belong. President Weah has proudly referred to himself as a son of a market woman. Arguably, hard-working market women in Liberia – have throughout history labored effortlessly to send their children to school. Weah, as a product of a slum livelihood, cannot in his right-thinking pretend that he doesn’t see these kids driving to and from his office. Perhaps nonchalance is eating him up.

Those poor children are not on the streets because they deserve or must necessarily be there. The conditions created as a result of lack of hindsight, leadership, sheer incompetence and ineptitude are to blame. Weah and his officials drive past these kids daily but make no effort to change their conditions. They were elected to change the people’s plight if you may. Their parents who must have a decent living once they are employed are all jobless.

We cannot guarantee the state of our national security and security of the state when these kids continue to remain on the streets as breadwinners for scores of families. Their plight represents a national security risk. The Ministry of Gender , Children and Social Protection is not protecting the kids they were created to serve. The legislature is a rubber-stamped ‘House of greedy and self-seeking idiots.’ The people’s interest is no longer worth anything.

Even in the midst of an election year, and while cash violence and the scramble for votes seem the order of the day, it is unfathomable that policy issues around the welfare of our children have become a non-starter. Hmm! We can’t the more be any surprised! We simply got what we voted for. We might end up making the same mistake if care is not exercised. Those children have rights! Let’s protect our children! They are our future. But it only comes about due to sound leadership and not cluelessness!         

Ekena Wesley


Delaware County, PA


Email: wes.critic@gmail.com

 “The revolution is not an apple that falls when it is ripe. You have to make it fall. – Che Guevera

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