85 Feared Entrapped Underground …As Tragedy In Kinjor Leaves 2 Dead85 Feared Entrapped Underground

Information gathered from Western Liberia has it that at least two persons are feared dead, with 85 feared entrapped underground at the Liberty Gold Mine of Bea Mountain in Kinjor, Grand Cape Mount County.

According to local media in the county, the bodies were pulled out of the rubble from the affected mining communities, which also witnessed at least 85 other mineworkers at the gold mines still entrapped under the rubble.

Even though the fate of those 85 miners allegedly entrapped beneath the rubbles are still unknown, Aid Agencies and Civil Society Organization officials seen in the area late Friday are calling for an exclusive investigation into the alleged Kinjor mudslide, amidst the abrupt silence of the Bea Mountain authorities.

Several civil organizations, including the National Civil Society Council of Liberia, on Friday, October 20, 2023, made a visit in the affected Kinjor community in Grand Cape Mount County.

In a conversation with journalists in the county, following the tour of the affected communities, John Alexander Nyahn of the NCSC said his organization was in the area as part of a wider investigation following the incident.

Nyahn disclosed that during their visit to the area, Grand Cape Mount experienced a landside, claiming at least two lives, with 85 other mine workers entrapped in the debris.

According to him, members of the Civil Society Council and other groups were denied entry into other parts of the mining facilities, particularly the affected area said to have erupted.

This, he maintained, “We are worried as to why should Civil Society Organizations and Journalists were denied access to information which is of human interest and the dignity of the workers.”

“The National Civil Society Council of Liberia is calling on the Justice Ministry, Ministry of Mines and Energies, as well as other Civil Society Organizations and investigative journalists, to launch an uncompromising and bias-free investigation into this incident,” Nyahn added.

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