Fire has trampled a 14-bedroom apartment residence in the Township of New Kru Town leaving several injured as 18 family heads are now made homeless.
According to reports, the sad event occurred at about 11 A.M. on Sunday, August 8, 2021 in the Fundaye Community where several persons were seen running helter-skelter with their children and leaving all of their belongings at the mercy of the fire.
Though the actual cause of the fire is unknown, but it is being rumored that a little boy left unattended in the house was playing with electrical appliances, which according to them might have ignited the fire.
According to the owner of the residence, Bloh Doe, the make-shift zinc and partly concrete house was razed to the ground after efforts made by the community dwellers to extinguish it proved fruitless due to lack of firefighting equipment or adequate knowledge about how to curtail the fire.
Madam Doe narrated that she was in her apartment when she heard the shouts of ‘fire!’ and a lady suggesting that they cut off the breaker but before doing that, the fire had already taken over the entire place.
Madam Doe sorrowfully explained that she inherited the property from her late grandmother and she was told by her father and brothers to be the landlady in order to sustain herself and her children.
The landlady added that she had been supervising the house since 2017 which had been a great help to her and the children.
One of the victims identified as Augustine K. Nyenpan who also seemed to be the Co-chairperson of the community, announcing his frustration over the incident explained that when he came from church at about 11:25 A.M., he suddenly heard a lady screaming fire! Before he could get there it was late because by then, the vicious fire had engulfed the building.
“Due to the heavy smoke from the fire, I could not find my way into my room to take at least some of my items but I managed to collect my school documents and every other things were left in the fire including my land deed,” he stated.
Mr. Nyenpan added that the Fire Service later came around to help them but it was too late because all their properties had burnt to aches while several people got injured.
He added that he had been renting in the house for the past nine years and all he had labored for had been ruined adding that even the clothes he had on was given to him by friends since the incident.
Meanwhile, they are calling on the government, the Disaster Managements Agency, NGOs, well-wishers and good humanitarians to help to rebuild the house and to help them get some of their properties.
Madam Bloh Doe can be reached on cell number 0770130498\0886822080.