The Inquirer is a leading independent daily newspaper published in Liberia, based in Monrovia. It is privately owned with a "good reputation".

Weah Unhappy With Local Leaders’ Performance

By Alex Yomah (touring with the President)

President George Weah has expressed dissatisfactions over the performance of his superintendents across Liberia.
Demanding progress reports from each of them during a citizens’ engagement in Compa City, the Liberian leader who is on his first leg of six-counties tour said since he embarked on the tour, most of the superintendents interacted with failed to tell him the work they have done in their respective counties since they were appointed.
Weah told Liberians during his recent nation address to the Legislature that there be zero tolerant on low performed officials therefore in a rather annoying mood, he blasted the local government officials for not showcasing the numbers of projects undertaken for which they have received funding rather, all he got was complains about challenges confronting them.
The Chief Executive however demanded progress reports on the work carried out by each county’s superintendent whom he said should reflect the CDC-led government’s impact at the county level.
According to Weah, the progress reports from local officials will place him in a better position to determine who is working in the counties in the interest of his government’s agenda and also place him in a better position to replace those that are not working.
Meanwhile, the Liberian leader inspected lots of projects including the Compa Hall ongoing project, the Chocolate Factory and is expected to inspect other projects along his way.
Weah, among other things granted a plead for loan made by the Compa Marketing Association (CMA) intended to empower them following the construction and completion and subsequent dedication of a modern market hall that built by him ( President Weah in the county.
He made specific reference to the senatorial midterm elections which he said, the process was conducted, and there were some reports of discontentment but despite that, the Liberian leader indicated that there are no reports of post-election violence.
The President used the occasion to then call on parents to talk to their children to stop the issue of mob violence, which said to have led to damage of many properties and deaths of Liberians.
He called on citizens to use the rule of law which according to him, is the essence for peace in Liberia.
Meanwhile, President Weah has broken silence on Archie Ponpon action which he expressed how wrong it is for a citizen to set himself ablaze because of low salary though according to Ponpon his action was not based on low salary but the high court’s mandate to have him arrested and incarcerated for his action.
According to the Liberian leader, the issue of low salary came because his government intent was to stop certain officials of government who were making U$10,000 monthly with an objective to reducing highest paid employee to accommodate others in the system and to save more money to undertake developments.
Meanwhile, President Weah has termed as ‘outrageous, unthinkable’ that some concession companies operating in Liberia are bent on scaring Liberians on account of “departure” from Liberia only because the citizens’ advocacy for better living conditions
The Liberian leader made a specific reference to logging companies operating in the Kokoyah Statutory District in which he indicated that the company threatened to leave Liberia because citizens are demanding for developments in their respective communities.
Even though President Weah did not name a particular company, but report has it that Alpha logging concession company threatened to leave Liberia due to pressure from citizens to construct a bridge leading to the company’s operations site in the district.
Pres. Weah threatened that if a company wants to leave because citizens demand developments, that concession company can leave; indicating that he will not allow Liberian be threatened for their rights.
“Liberians cannot be spectators in their own country. We must ensure that company operating in Liberia improves the lives of our citizens,” he reiterated.
Weah further stated that his government will not be deterred to alter any company concession if the company reneges to develop the community where it operates.
“This is Liberia, and if it is our responsibility to make sure that companies operating in Liberia work in the interest of our people,” Weah told MMG Company in Kokoyah statutory District.
Adding, “So, the plan to abandon Liberia because of little bridge that they can fix is not in the citizens’ interest” he said; though there are already news filtering that this government is at the verge of repealing several concession agreements consummated during the past governments.
President added that the social responsibilities on the part of concession companies are intended to address the social needs of the community in which they operate and essential to government Pro Poor agenda and “So, any company reneging to improve the lives of our people should be replaced with new ones”
He urged members of the legislature to review and or alter any concession company that is not living up to the country’s expectation. Adding, “They must look for new company to replace those ones that reneging to improve the lives of citizens,” Weah urged lawmakers.
Earlier, citizens in a petition statement issued in Kokoyah expressed fear of losing their jobs due to threats by a logging company’s plan to depart Liberia because of their demands.
At MMG GoLD Mining Company, protesters were seen with placards with different inscriptions alleging that “MMG Gold mining Company’s dredging operations reportedly cricking their house around the company operations site.
The aggrieved citizens accused the company of contaminating their water and are also demanding land rental fees from the company, among others.

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