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Pastor Talks Tough At Nyeswa’s Funeral

By Alex Yomah
Even though the Internal Audit Agency’s (IAA) late boss, Emmanuel Barthan Nyeswa, is dead and was laid to rest over the weekend, his Church, the St. Peter’s Lutheran, still finds it extremely difficult to believe circumstances leading his death and other three auditor’s deaths.
The Church, through it Pastor-in-Charge, Rev. Isaac Domah, on Saturday during the funeral service held at St. Peter’s Lutheran Church on 14th Street in Sinkor, believe strongly that Nyeswa was murdered in cold blood and therefore demands a proper investigative and impartial autopsy report.
The late Nyeswa who was born on May 10, 1967 and died on October 10, 2020 was among four auditors that mysteriously died eight days within the period of months in Liberia.
In the funeral discourse, Rev. Dowah described the late Emmanuel Barthan Nyeswa, as a good man, a good churchman, a good statesman, a man after God’s own heart stated that there are many questions than answers leading to his death.
“Could Barthan have suffered some form of abrupt or undiagnosed mental illness that he could go to the emergency exit door which he hardly opened in years and throws himself off? Could Barthan have been so drunk as to lose his grasp on the first law of nature, the law of self-preservation? Or could it be that since the door he fell from was meant to be an emergency exit, that someone or something was pursuing him to the point that he could perceive jumping through that door as a possible way of escaping death? As a drowning person, would grab even a straw to save his life; was Barthan staying in his huge house alone? If there were people staying with him in this house up to the day of his death? And what could possibly have been their roles in his death?” Pastor Dowah pondered.
“Could the death of Barten have be linked to the death of the three others of similar profession who all died within the space of 8 days in a single month? Could the death of this fine son of the soil have had any connection to the audit of the COVID funds, the draft of which was presented around the time of his death?; I could have many more questions, but all that I can say is “God knows”! like the song writer says, “God is His own interpreter, He will make it plain; We, the members of St. Peter’s Lutheran Church demand answers to these questions through the investigation that is being conducted by government and will not take silence for an answer,” he assured.
Adding, “May I submit to you that Barten’s death has a hand behind it; however a big hand that may be; God’s judgment is near and God is able to bring down that hand! God says, and I want everyone to hear this, that those who violate the right of any individual or group of individuals to have life and enjoy it to the fullest, will be brought to account.”
According to the church, the perpetrators of wickedness in high places will have no rest in this life and in the life to come! If they do not repent of their wickedness; their ordeal of restlessness will be extended to eternity in hell fire!
“I would therefore say to the family, let God be the judge! Because God knows all things, his judgment is based on evidence and not speculation as human judgment usually is. God says, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay.” If we take revenge in our own hands, we may under do it and may not be satisfied with the result. Let god do it for you!” he admonished his congregation of mourners.
In the tribute of the mother of Nyeswa, Mary Sumo, in her pain and agony she alleged that her son was murdered and cursed that the would-be doers took away the bread winner of her family, noting that the would-be doers will shed tears even more than what she and her family are going through.

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