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Bishop Donyen Still Giving To Communities

By Kingston S. Kolleh
The Bishop of the Independent Catholic Church of Liberia (ICCL), Bishop Nimely Jacobkly Donyen has given 300 25kg bags of rice to several communities in the Township of Johnsonville in District # 2, Montserrado County.
Some of those communities that benefited from the donation were, Pepperwulu Town; City View; Kpelleh Mansion; Greenland; Nimba United; Back Street; Jacque Town; Lower Red Hill; Concerned Women of District # 2; Block A Communities. Others are, Lofa; Christian; Peace Island Communities just to mention a few.
Speaking to the enthusiastic residents of those communities in the ICCL’s edifice during the week, in the Redhill Community, Lower Johnsonville, Bishop Donyen said that it is amazing to know that people who do not have any biological relationship with people of this country but have some connections continue to provide aids to them in many ways.
He disclosed that since April to May 2020, the Compassion for Life has expended the amount of L$4,280,000.00 toward humanitarian initiatives as well as L$2,500,000.00 as micro loan for marketers in the district which amounts to L$6,780,000.00 explaining that his partners also donated 100 bags of rice to Cheerful Givers High School (CGHS)’s staffs in April along with cash for rent and other necessities.
The ICCL Clergyman further informed the gathering that the donors additionally donated 104 bags of rice to his congregation in May along with cash and also in April and May, they gave 180 and 500 faucet buckets including cartons of tide soap and chloride respectively, saying that it’s his partnership’s way of boosting their fight against the Coronavirus.
“I thank the Compassion for Life for providing the 300 bags of rice to the people. The virus is deadly so let us help the government to fight it where ever we may find ourselves,” he urged every community resident.
Amidst intermittent applauds from the zealous dwellers of the Johnsonville Township, the eminent resident of District # 2 indicated that the harvest is rich but that the laborers are few, so he encouraged the people to continue praying for more supporters assuring them of their continual support.
Bishop Donyen however used the occasion to reiterate his appeal to President George Weah for his intervention by mandating the authorities at the Liberia Water & Sewer Corporation (LWSC) to open the valve of their pipe line so that water can flow into the Red Hill Communities.
According to him, his partners gave him more than US$19,000.00 in 2017 for a water project that was intended for the Cheerful Givers High School (CGHS), his institution and the community residents of that amount and he paid US$12,000.00 to LWSC for the installation while the remaining went toward labor cost at which time the connection was done and water started flowing in the communities.
He stated that to their surprise by January 2018 the valve of the water line was blocked and the water supply diverted into sale thus leaving the residents to continuously suffer for water, a situation which he added resulted to the students staging a peaceful march in the communities which turned violent when some people infiltrated the process, and that led to bloodshed and properties damaged.
“I then asked my friends for money so as to repair those who houses got damaged and they gave me the money which I used and changed the roofs of those damaged roofs as the result of stone -throwing and also gave money to whosoever made a claim without questioning them because if we did not bring water people could not fight for it,” he maintained.
The Clergyman then pointed out that he had made several appeals to the President through written communications and in the media concerning their water issue but had not received any response so he has decided to use the House of God at this time to appeal again adding that he believes the President will mandate the LWSC Authorities to open their pipe’s valve.
“The President believes in the Holy Bible; that is why he has built a church in the country as the Word of God says, ‘When I was thirty you gave me water to drink so please give your people their water to drink which was paid for’”, he pleaded.
He indicated that he is from Bethu and the President comes from Filokle in Grand Kru Country so he cannot be the President and allow him experience the blocking of a water project intended for his (President Weah)’s people adding that when the President fails means he also fails as well as the Kru People as they are from the same ethnic background.
Speaking also on behalf of the communities, Chairman Jackson Nyepan, Chairman/ Chairmen Council of Johnsonville, Joseph Zennoh, Co-Chairman/ Youth Council including Winifred Tweh, Chairlady of Concerned Women of District # 2 David Gao, Chairman Nyonken Development Association and others showered praises on the Bishop and Compassion for Life for the tireless efforts in helping them over the years. They also appealed to the President to help them get back their pipe borne water and rejuvenate their lives.

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