The Lawyers representing ANC political leader Alexander Cummings have dragged Magistrate Jomah Jallah to the Criminal Court “ A” Judge on summary proceedings.
A proceeding in a lower court, usually has to be a minor offense or claim, generally fast- tracked. Although certain legal rights are overlooked or minimized during a summary proceeding, the right to notice and to be heard are preserved.
Judge Willie’s decision came in when Magistrate Jallah ordered the ANC Political Leader Alexander Cummings to produce the original signed CPP framework document within 72-hours. .
The ANC Political Leader was charged with the Crimes of Forgery and Criminal Conspiracy in violation with Section 17.70 of the new Penal Law of Liberia.
Judge Willie’s mandate states that “You are hereby cited in the Judge’s Chamber on Monday, February 7, 2022, at 11:00 P.M. for the hearing of the summary proceedings filed against you by Cllr. Abrahim Sillah, by and thru his clients Alexander Cummings and others to be identified”.
The Judge ordered the Sheriff to file his returns in the office of the clerk of Criminal Court “A” on or before Friday, February 4,2022.
“The magistrate is hereby ordered to stay all proceedings pending the outcome of the hearing. Your Honor request that you be present and on time,” the court ordered.