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Govt. Delegation Clarifies
‘Misinformation’ While In US

Government says it has clarified some misinformation being spread to the United States Government by the oppositions thus tarnishing the country’s image because of personal hatred against George Weah.
In September, the government dispatched a delegation to Washington to counteract what it considered “fake” news being spread by the country’s opposition community.
The team was made-up of Presidential Affairs Minister, Nathaniel McGill; Finance and Development Planning Minister, Samuel Tweah: the Mayor of Monrovia, Jefferson Koijee amongst others.
Among the disinformation clarified were the purported missing L$16 million, the Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA’s) four employees death, US$25 million mopped-up exercise, power theft and other wide range of issues.
Finance and Development Planning Minister, Samuel Tweah, told the media last Friday, October 8 in Monrovia that their “Washington Engagement” was positive as dozens of documents or reports were presented to the Americans.
He said those documents submitted detailed developments being used by the opposition bloc as “propaganda tools” in spreading falsehood against the regime because of personal hatred against George Weah and their own country.
Tweah stated that the government’s delegation engagement with the United States was clarifying those misconceptions or fake information spread about in the country and vowed from now to directly deal with Washington.
“No matter what is said about President Weah, the international community including the United States Government will deal with you. Tarnishing the country’s image, you are not doing it to George Weah but Liberia which every one of us belong to,” he said.
Tweah stated that for almost 4 years now the country has seen more propaganda from the opposition who are posting “fake news” or misinformation on the internet against their own country than during the tenure of Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf.
“But the government is on top of those games. We were not dealing with these things before because of press freedom. But now, state security is on top of those games having arrested an oppositionist for posting false pictures on Facebook about the country,” he noted.
Tweah continued: “We did clarify all of these things to Washington because there is no political death or prisoner in Liberia as compared to other countries. Furthermore, anybody including government officials have been insulting or abusing the President and he or she goes to bed soundly.”
About corruption fight, he pledged government’s commitment in the fight against corruption for which public officials have been warned to pay their public utility bills mainly on electricity and water because these are some of those benchmarks Liberia must meet before getting the second compact approval.
“If we want America’s interest to grow as it is being protected here, then we must fight corruption which is eating the fabric of the country. We must put Liberia’s interest first instead of fighting to pull down George Weah,” Tweah warned.
He said not every country that applies for the compact can be eligible; however progress has been made in that direction during their trip to Washington where discussions were held on the subject with the hope that it will be approved.
On the War Crimes Court establishment, he said there were discussions held but refused to make any disclosure on ground that those responsible will speak to such subject matter when the time comes.
However, the delegation said dozens of congressmen from the United States Congress are expected to visit Liberia next year but no specific date was stated.
“In 2022, we expect Congressman Ted Cruz and others to be guests of the Liberian Government. No date yet but that is being worked on by those responsible and not me,” Tweah said.
On any plan for the President’s visit to Washington, he said that was also under arrangement with the two countries’ diplomats who are responsible in those kinds of things.
For sometimes, there has been boiling points in the country between the opposition bloc and the government on issues of national concern ranging from perceived corruption, ritualistic activities, rape, health and sanitation and ‘violence crimes’ amongst others.
As a result of “fake news” mainly on alleged ritualistic activities and other ‘violence crimes’ posted on the internet with accusing fingers pointed at the opposition bloc; residents have been engulfed with fear in recent weeks.
But following the arrest and detention at the Monrovia Central Prison of an official of the opposition bloc for days and later released on bond filed with the court by his lawyers, tension which instilled fear in the population has subsided.

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